Monday, July 7, 2014

Japanese Beef Curry

This is a classic Japanese cuisine that's easy to make and oh-so-delicious. I spent 3 years in Japan when I was a kid and that was when I first had a taste of the infamous Japanese curry (karÄ“ raisu)---and fell in love with it. People might find it funny to know that a lot  (if not most) Japanese restaurants serve curry (next to sushi, sashimi, etc.) but this is actually a staple dish in Japan. 

Though you can quickly order this from a restaurant, you can save a little and make it yourself. This recipe will cost around $10-$15 and can serve 4-6 people---that's a good price!

Japanese curry is very different from the traditional Indian curry. The Japanese version is a little less spicy, the sauce is thicker and is sweeter than the Indian one. 

If only you can smell this right now...

Ingredients (4-6 servings)

  • 1 1/2 lb beef (cubed)
  • 1 1/2 large onions (sliced)
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 potato
  • 1 green bell pepper (chopped)
  • 5 tbsp cooking oil
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 3 cups water
  • 5 1/2 parts of S&B Curry Mix

  • The stars of this recipe. Not seen in photo: bell pepper, rice, salt & pepper.

    S&B Curry is the most popular Japanese curry mix and can be purchased at most Asian stores for $3-$5. 

    Cubed beef. This recipe can also be made using shrimp or chicken. Beef curry is just my favorite!


    1. Add cooking oil to a medium to large pot. Put in the beef, add salt and pepper and cook for 3-5 minutes or until it is browned (don't overcook it!) 
    2. Add onions, carrots, bell pepper, and potatoes and fry for another 2-3 minutes
    3. Pour in water. Simmer until it is tender, around 15 minutes

    4. After 15 minutes, turn off the heat and add the curry mix. Keep mixing until all the cubes are fully dissolved. I used 5 1/2 cubes because I love my curry sauce thick and flavorful. If it comes out too thick for you, a remedy would be to add water to dilute the mix.

    S&B Curry Mix.

    Divide the mix into 4 parts with your hand.

    It should come out like this. For this recipe, I used 5 1/2 parts of the entire mix because I love rich, creamy curry sauce. If it comes out too creamy for you, add water to dilute.

    Keep mixing until all the cubes dissolve into the water.

    A little bit of milk will seal the deal!

    5. Add a dash of milk (around 1/2 cup) to seal the flavor
    6. Serve hot with rice

    I guarantee satisfied tummies after devouring this meal!

    Since I packed this for lunch for the following day, I separated the mix from the rice to keep it fresh. This dish is best enjoyed with rice so don't ever, ever forget to serve that!

    Have you made Japanese Curry before? Share your secret ingredients!

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